Monday, November 12, 2007

Jake's Band

I can't believe this, i have been trying to tell you all what a great time we had hearing Jake's band at the wow hall and for some reason I keep losing the blog. What a pain this is if I lose it again I will try again tomorrow. I feel like Scrooge at Christmas, bah and hambug!!! The band was fabulous and Ruby was so cute. She was all dressed up in her dress Sharon gave her for her birthday along with dancing shoes. She danced to all of the songs with so much energy I got tired watching her. Oh to be that happy and energetic again. Only for the very young. I told you about a lot of things but it is too late now for that so I will just say that we had a busy day and it is raining hard tonight. I am hoping for a little sun for Alan and family to fly up for the holiday. For those who want to know Tyson is going to the Las Vegas west mission. Hugs and Kisses Grandma



hey grandma- I haven't gotten to read EVERYTHING yet, but I just wanted to let you know, I noticed you had some trouble with posting the wowhall blog, and it was just a title, so I just deleted it for you. I figured you didn't want it there since it was just a title. I'll have to read your blog later, it's 3:39 in the morning! I just got done preparing a talk for youth conference tomorrow- talk about procrastination. We're speaking at youth conference on "dating". UHhhhh hopefully I can wake up in the morning and give the talk! I love you!

Danielle said...

That is so awesome you saw Jakes band! Ruby sounds sooooo cute. I'm sure she was having a ball! That is so awesome about Tyson's mission! Do you think he'll end up seeing Alan and Brenda around? That would be crazy! I'm sorry you had trouble with your posts. Sometimes these computers are just too much to handle!:) I hope you have a good day! I love you Grandma, Love-Danielle.

Lizzie said...

How cute!!! Ruby sounds so cute and I wish I knew her better. I haven't seen Jakes band play in 9 years, and that wasn't even Cabinessence.

Your kitty sounds cute. I'm glad that Grandpa has a pet again.

Sharon/Mom/ Grandma said...

I'm so glad you got to go to Jakes show!!!! Also glad to hear she wore my dress I make! I wonder sometimes.