Monday, November 12, 2007

The Story of my New Glasses!!!!

Two months ago I got new glasses. Unfortunatly they didn't work too well and I kept trying to wear them. However after I would rather wear my old glasses instead of the new classy ones. Since they had cost a lot of money I decided to return them to the eye glass store. She said they were too small for the bridge of my nose, and she began to put nose pieces on the glasses. Guess what she BROKE them and when she did I told her it was a blessing because I didn't like them and now they would have to give me some different ones. She agreed to replace them with new ones and I picked some out. Today I got them and these are really great and I love them. Plus these cost about 140.00 less and you can't beat that. I really feel better about them and now I can read much better with these. What a real nightmare this has been though and I hate trying to break in new glasses. So since I was in town I decided to go to Michael's and get some things I needed and since I was right by Market of Choice I went there to get groceries, my goodness that store has changed. I don't think I have been in there for a few years and I couldn't believe it. You name it and they sell it if it is a food. I have never seen a deli that big. Wow!! If I wanted to buy anything prepared it would have been there. Truly amazing. I bought some turkey with rosemary and garlic, it smells wonderful, and some lite Jarlsberg cheese to go with it, I 'm looking forward to a sandwich tomorrow. Well my dears I don't need to ramble on about food so I'll just say my eyes have been opened and now I can SEE if you truly don't want or know how to cook you could just have a great meal and not work at all that is if you lived close to M of C. Love grandma


Danielle said...

Yay for new glasses! I am so happy you're blogging grandma! It's so nice to hear what you're up to! I love you and miss you so much!

Lizzie said...

I wish we had a market of choice. Is that where Jake works?

Funny about your glasses...same thing happened to me last week with my cell phone. I went to get a new one, and ended up liking my old one WAY better, and regretted the whole thing.

Tanner broke my glasses and I have an appt. next week to get new ones. Shad is getting his eyes lasered next week and I will after I'm done nursing Kate.

Sharon/Mom/ Grandma said...

I see where I get my food obsession, I see why now everyone thought it was funny how I would tell what we ate all the time! :-) I'm glad the glasses thing worked out. I'm glad you did a blog, I feel like I know what is going on now in your life! I love you, and again, you're a good writer, I like reading your blog!