Monday, November 12, 2007

Christmas Is Coming

Well dear ones today I have thought of Christmas, notice I said thought. I haven't gotten into the swing of it yet. I think I am coming down with a cold!!! Bah and Humbug I really hate having a cold this time of year. I sewed a few things today and I hope to keep on working on that. Not for anyone just a few random small things. I wish I could work as fast as your mom does on the machine. I am going to the pool to walk 3 days a week to gain some stamina. I seem to be flagging in my 70th year. I can remember I used to think I would never reach that age. We will be flying to Alan's for the Christmas holiday. Going on the 23rd and returning on the 27th. Not so long this time, Dad-Grandpa is supposed to go 4-wheeling with Al and not spend his whole time working. That is what he did the last 2 times we went to Alan's. Pool for the summer and a play room for the kids at Christmas last year. He likes to keep busy, but I think he is getting a little of the need to slow down a bit. Not as energetic as he used to be. I need some ideas on what I should get for Christmas I am totally drawing a blank this year. I have none. I had hoped to spend Christmas at home or at least in Oregon this year but alas that is not to be. Andrew is taller than Grandpa now and still growing. He is a nice young man and Wendy is a beautiful young woman and little Ema is a sweet one as well as pretty. What a nice family they are. I truly enjoy reading about all of yours and seeing the pictures you post. I am truly blessed to have all of you to love and communicate with. God bless you one and all Love Grandma


Sharon/Mom/ Grandma said...

Hi!! you and dad will have to decide if you want us to come in or if you want to come out for a couple of days before or after Christmas. Let me know. I assume we are still on for next week? I'm glad you're exercising. If you know how to post pics put some out there of Alans kids, I haven't seen them in a couple of years. love you!!!

Danielle said...

I keep 'thinking' about Christmas as well! I keep thinking and not acting. I need to hop on it! I would like to see pictures of Alan's family as well! If you could get some recent pictures that'd be great! I can't believe how old they all are. Well, I love you! Hope you get feeling better!

Rebecca said...

Hi. I am half decorated and almost done with Christmas shopping! But I do have some robes to make that are barely started. Our Santa ordered almost everything online this year. Take it easy this year Grandma. I can't believe you are already 70! Our Christmas package from you last year was so big. Take that and multiply it by all of the people in your life--Yikes! Really, though, you don't need to make me anything, or buy me anything. You gave me that beautiful quilt a few years ago. I use it all the time when I read in my formal living room. The present that keeps on giving. If you want to give something little to the girls, I understand, but please just take me off the list. I love you so much. Lucky Alan for getting you at Christmas!

Lizzie said...

Exercising....I miss it. I used to 5 days a week, until Kate. It's been harder with 2 kids. I think I am going to get a jogger/stroller for Christmas so I can go on better walks with the kids. We are going to Utah for Christmas, if you end up staying longer at Alans, let me know because we will be driving through vegas to get to and from utah. Love you!

Megan and Greg said...

Grandma you are so sweet! We love you too! It's fun to read all you say!


Grandma I love you so much! I'm so glad you are blogging because now I know what's going on in your life, and I love it when I get comments from you, I get excited. Do you guys have a digital camera? Because if you do- then next time I come over I can put them up for you and teach you how to do it- or I can just do it every time I come up- we can just put up a whole bunch of them. SO- I was wondering if we could come for dinner on a Sunday like this Sunday or the next, or the one after that, whatever would be best for you. Tuesday is my last day of school- so whenever you want to get together for chocolates- maybe we could set a date when I come over. Alright well just let me know- I love you!


when we come over for dinner- maybe you could make us some of that special macaroni and cheese Greg was telling us about- YEAH RIGHT SICK! ha- love you