Monday, November 12, 2007

A Great Sunday

The lesson in SS was about Paul and his letters in Timothy. I don't always understand Paul and sometimes I think he is a Male Chauvinist, but never the less I do think he wrote some great things, and there is no doubt of his sincerity in his testimony of the Christ and the Church. I love that, and our teacher is really good and able to relate well with all of the class, wonderful, that is the best way to describe him. So we studied the letters to Timothy, and it was good and I feel my testimony grew. In RS we studied about Joseph Smith, and I know that you can get bored, as it is a subject we speak of often, however I love Joseph. I think we should all be grateful for what he did in restoring the Priesthood to the earth, and the Gospel. Think at the time he was only 14 and he knew something that all of the pastors and religious zealots at the time believed wasn't possible. They taught that the Heavens were closed and that revelation was a thing of the past and that our Heavenly Father, Jesus Christ and The Holy Ghost were one person. At the tender age of 14 he knew something no one else on earth knew that Heavenly Father and Christ were persons of flesh and bone. I marvel what went through his mind at the time and I have great wonder at the blessing of our God that he planned for Joseph to do this before he ever came to this earth. I am so grateful for the knowledge and testimony I have of this and the blessing of being a small part of this great Gospel here on the earth in the latter days. I will get to the small things now we had Greg and Megan for dinner and we had a wonderful time with them and I learned a little more about Greg and his wants for the future for them and their family. I really enjoy learning about the plans of my grandchildren. Grandpa and I studied the Scriptures a bit and he is out playing the piano and I am writing. I love all of you Hugs and Kisses Grandma



I'm so glad you're blogging. I love hearing about your thoughts and stories and what you're up to. I'm glad church was good for you today. I laughed when you said the part about Peter being a chauvinist- hahaha- I asked Greg what you guys had for dinner and he said, "macaroni with chunks of hot dogs." and i looked at him, squinted my eyes and said, " didn't..." and he said "sure, it's your grandma's speciality, you didn't know that?" And he was so serious- I thought "I can't believe MY GRANDMA made macaroni and chunks of hot dogs for them....there's no way....." but he was so serious- I thought- well- everything she makes is good- so maybe she knows how to make a mean macaroni and cheese! and then ofcourse he told me the truth - it was funny. They said they had a good time. But I just couldn't believe you would make them macaroni and cheese.

Danielle said...

hah, Amy's comment is funny. I enjoyed your post! Joseph Smith was an amazing man! I've taken a New Testament Class at school this semester and we've been studying Paul's letters a lot. At times I thought, that's a little wierd, when he talked about women shutting their mouths and not talking and stuff. But I came to realize he is just talking about women not claiming or trying to have the priesthood. That is nice that you were able to have meg and greg over! I love you and miss you!!!

Lizzie said...

This post made me miss you a lot. It made me want to be there with you and Grandpa in your house. I think this time of your always makes me miss you guys.

Amy's comment about Greg is funny. I'm jealous that they all live so close to you. Happy Thanksgiving!I love you!