Friday, September 19, 2008


It has been so long since I last posted, and most of you won't check for awhile, so I may have to wait for the comments. I have canned fruit for the first time in about 3 years. I just haven't had the energy and it has been too overwhelming for me. But with Ed's help thank goodness I have peaches 21 pts. pears 21 pts. and apples lots of apples on the tree this year, so we have frozen 12 pie fillings, and canned 22 pts. Plus I have made a lot of jam from the peaches and pears. I am so grateful to be done now. I need to clean the floors, and I will get help with that, so it won't be so hard. I have also been working at the beauty shop some. They are slow this week so I was able to finish the canning. I am so grateful that Ed made me a place to can out in the shop, so we doesn's heat the house up, and that has been wonderful. I do make the jam inside, but all the jars of fruit was cooked outside:) Wonderful! Ed also put a new motor in the car, and we have had the dings of paint fixed. So we have a nice running car, thanks to the genius of Ed. I have to tell you about losing my purse, I went shopping in Trader Joe's last week and as I finished, I got my keys out in the store, and put the sacks in the car, got in the car and drove home. I didn't notice that my purse wasn't in the car until I got home :( and when I looked for it to go into the house, it wasn't anywhere to be found!!! I left it in the cart. Oh brother, I thought I will have to cancel all of the credit cards, debit cards, etc and not to mention the gift cards, plus the $60. cash in it. We had just changed banks and all of the debit cards and checkbook were there. I couldn't believe I had done such a careless thing!! Besides the fact that I loved that purse, I knew it would be gone for sure. So I started to cry as I went into the house yelling for Ed and was so upset. I called TJ's and explained the situation to him and he asked "what color is it"? I said blue, and he said "I have it here" I couldn't believe it! Truly amazing. We went back and picked it up, and everything was there, so very honest soul had turned it in. Thank God!!! I was never so grateful in my life, I thanked Heavenly Father all the way home and for days after, I was so thankful, I later realized that my Temple recommend was there also. It would have been so hard to replace all that was in that purse. It has renewed my faith in people, and I feel so blessed by Heavenly Father, for this and I am so grateful for having more enegry and other blessings. I am so thankful I can read the blog each night and share a little of your lives with each of you. I love hearing about each of you and all of the things that are going on with you. I am joining a book club with some of the sisters of the ward, I think it will be wonderful. We have just finished reading our first book, The Giver by Lois Lowery. It was interesting, and has a lot of food for thought in it. It is a book for young adults, and is very well written. I plan to try to find a watercolor class for this winter. I don't seem to paint unless I am with a class for motivation. I will try to post more often, to let you know what is going on with us. Love you all