Monday, January 28, 2008

Let It Snow!!!!

Well as everyone knows it did snow a bit today. We have a lot of it out here, around 5 to 6 inches I would say. Our church was cancelled also, and it was a good thing I think as we have so many little widows in our ward that drive themselves to church. It snowed some more tonight and is supposed to do more in the morning. I think it is about 30 degrees out there now. I wasn't very happy as I couldn't go out and trudge around. I would have loved to go out and built a snowman and grandpa wanted to but he has caught what I had. So we stayed in and watched the snow and movies and ate good food. Notice I said good food not junk. We spent some time at the hospital on Friday because my doctor sent me there to have a bunch of tests. It was too late for him to do them in his office. I spent my whole afternoon sitting on a gurney being hooked to a bunch of machines and being poked and prodded. Heavenly Father blessed me and my heart tests were just fine. So the diagnosis was adult asthma.... I have been told that I had some but it hasn't ever been diagnosed as such. I now have a nebulizer and I also have 5 days worth of Prednisone to take. It is interesting that they gave me a whopping double dose in the ER and I was told it would make my blood sugar rise and I would have energy and maybe be a little jittery. The reason that I can't go out into the snow is because it will constrict the airways and make it hard to breathe. I feel like I am a medicine cabinet. I have such a lot of pills and now all of this stuff to help with the asthma. This cold really compromised my lungs and they say I can't take a chance with it as it can cause a lot more problems hence the intensive treatment. I am really grateful that every thing with the heart worked well. I haven't had that through of a check on it in a few years. The moral of this story is of course NEVER GROW OLD!!! It is a royal pain....however as my little mother used to say time waits on no man. On that thought I will say so long until next time. Love Grandma


Sharon/Mom/ Grandma said...

Prednisone Yuk!!!! I am glad it is only for a week! We only got hail. I wonder how long the snow will last. I am so sorry you have to do all that stuff, not fun!!! I am glad you and dad have a nice warm home! I love you!

Megan and Greg said...

I'm sorry you're so sick. Everybody is sick! I'm glad your heart is well. Love you!

Lizzie said...

Never grow old, huh?? = )

So sorry you had to go to the hospital. When Kate had RSV she had nebulizer treatments several times a day in the hospital. I'm sorry you're so miserable right now. Did they give you an inhaler for the asthma?

I love you!!!