Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Just A Little Post

Rebecca says I need to post again. I haven't really felt like writing as I have been a little under the weather. Yesterday I went to the club and walked in the water for the first time in a week. I have been trying to get back on track with the dieting game ever since Christmas. I have prayed and thought about it and I still can't seem to make it happen:( A big FAT pain!!! I came home from swimming and I couldn't get warm. I sat around and felt sorry for myself as I was so cold. Then towards evening I made dinner and noticed that my throat was a little raw. I woke up in the middle of the night and I was really wheezing and coughing with it. So I get up and spit up a bunch of phloem and used my inhaler:( and think I must of caught a cold somewhere. Bah!!! I have been so careful to wash my hands and sing happy birthday twice so they have a good thirty seconds to be really clean and somehow I have caught a germ or missed one or someone gave it to me without knowing they had it. So today I have been on the computer and read some more of Twilight and I am almost done with it and I still can't decide whether I like it or not. I really enjoyed the Wednesday Letters, but I just can't seem to get into this vampire series. I have read some really good books this past year so I do know what a good one is. I will continue to read and see. I went to Tops this Wed. gained a 1lb. so I was depressed about that, but on a positive note I won $25.92 for them drawing my number which is 39 meaning I was the 39th person to join last year. It is the quarters we put in a can when we eat a no-no food. It changes from week to week, it is sometimes pasta, chips, salty, or popcorn or ice cream. If we eat it we pay and so that is how the money is raised. I don't know how often they draw the number, but I think it is once a month. Today I have also had some stomach problems so I haven't eaten much. I will have Grandpa pick up some more Chicken Noodle soup and bananas and I'll go to the store on Monday, by then hopefully I will feel better. I am sorry to have seemed to be whiny and not my usual upbeat self. I have decided to throw away or give away the white fudge that is left along with the pecan bars that I made for the holidays. (they have been frozen) I took them out the other day and managed to eat the chocolate fudge and some of the bars. But I have totally decided to rid the house of what is left. I made grandpa some date bars and I don't like them so I'll leave them alone. I have put the chocolate bars, and the chips in a large container in the freezer so it will be hard to get to them. I think for awhile I will think of only healthy foods and try not to dwell on anything good until Valentines Day:) I will go to the club on Monday if I am feeling better. I will not go and give this to anyone else!!!! I truly dislike people that do that. I probably won't go to church tomorrow, as we have so many little old widows that I don't need to cough on. I need to qualify the above statement, I will think of GOOD HEALTHY FOODS and enjoy that and stop thinking that chocolate and sugar are the only decent tasting foods on the planet, after all it isn't leaving the place it will be around when I am able to indulge a little again:) On that note I will say so long until next time I love you all Grandma


Sharon/Mom/ Grandma said...

I am sad you are feeling so bad. I woke up with a little sore throat today, but feel better now. I am going to take garlic twice today! I know what you mean about the twilight series, I had a hard time with them I mainly read them because Danielle and Rebecca loved them so much. That always intrigues me. Plus after I had started, then it was like I had to keep going. The judge is still out for me on the whole thing. But I know I will read the next one when it comes out.
Your date is wrong again on your blog.
Just keep plugging along on the food scene, it will come back to you, and exercise as soon as you can!!! I love you!!! I guess we will go to the temple in Feb.

Sharon/Mom/ Grandma said...

Oh and good for you for throwing out the food, its better to throw it away in the garbage than to throw it away in our stomachs!!!! :-)


You hadn't posted in awhile so I stopped checking, and then i thought- well what if she did post- so i checked and I hadn't read 2 of your posts! Lots to catch up on. TOPS sounds cool. That is so cool that you won the money- fun. That is weird about church being canceled. It's a weird feeling when you miss church when you're not sick. AND I KNOW the kids are praying it will snow so they'll have no school because I did all the time. Infact- ha- one year Crystal happened to be over, and also the neighborhood kids, and it started to snow, and it stopped, so we all got in a circle and prayed that it would snow, so we could play in a real snow, and have no school, and then right after we got done saying our prayer- it snowed!!!!! Ofcourse we all felt so cool! I'm sure it was going to snow anyway! I'm sorry you are sick. EVERYONE IS SICK! I feel like we're never going to get better because everyone is sick! Sorry you aren't feeling well. That is so wonderful with Grandpa's truck and your friends helping. Good for you on throwing out the treats. I know Lizzie did that once, with cocoa and chocolate chips even, and SHad got mad at her because of the money that was wasted- hahahah. I think any other man would be happy that his wife is throwing away treats she can't stop eating- ahah. I love you- thanks for your comments, I really love them.

Rebecca said...

I'm sorry Grandma, but Wednesday Letters doesn't even compare to Twilight. They are not even in the same category, and I read Jane Eyre this month, and it was awesome, and I know what a good book is too. I am not saying that Twilight is in the same category as Jane Eyre (because I don't know if anything could be), but it is certainly way more creative than Wednesday Letters. Wed Letters was great when I was reading it, and then a week later I thought, "Yeah, right. I'm just sure that could happen," while Twilight, as silly as it sounds, is very real to me. Of course, I'm Bella reincarnate. The only difference is I unfortunately have never known a vampire or warewolf. I am so sorry you are sick. I hate being sick. I'm such a baby. When you were talking about walking around your house feeling sorry for yourself, I laughed, because I do that all the time. And trying to eat good can be such a bore! It drives me insane. However, I, like you, believe it is important. Last week I lost 1.4and the week before I lost 4.4! So it is possible, even for people who adore food. I have a safe that I keep all of my chocolate chips in, and Darin has the key. It was my idea. I like to by chocolate chips at Winco, in bulk, or on sale, and like having them handy, but not that handy. It has helped a lot. Pretty pathetic. I wonder how many people store chocolate in thier safe! Love you so much. Love your comments, and your blogs!

Danielle said...

I'm so sorry you're sick. You just rest and think happy thoughts and you will get better! I guess twilight just isn't for everyone. You and mom are the only people I've talked to that have bad things to say about it. Funny funny. I love them. Well, I love you and congrats on the winnings! That is always fun.