Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Happy New Year!!!!

I haven't posted for awhile, as I have been tired from all of the run around at Christmas. I loved every minute of it though. We went to Judy's and Ed's on Sat. before and spent time with them for Christmas. We had a fun time there and Judy and I made pies, rolls, stuffing, and homemade cranberries. Then we made clam chowder and potato soup. It was great with salad and french bread for Sat night. Then we had turkey and the works on Sun and opened our presents and Ed took us to catch the plane at 5:40 and we have to be an hour early. By the time we landed in Salt Lake I was tired, but we only stayed about 20 minutes, there was a lot of snow out the plane window. We had a really great time at Alan's and prime rib on Christmas. I made it and it really turned out perfect. Which was just good luck as I haven't cooked a lot of it. We had a lot of movie watching and game playing there. The kids really love to play games. We had some excitement on Wednesday as there was an accident just in front of their house and Brenda witnessed it. No one was hurt, but the power, went out as he hit the power pole and knocked it over and rolled his van. There were two car loads of missionaries just behind him and the paramedics, were Mormon so the priesthood was really strong. Not to mention that Alan pulled him out of the van and he was an older man, what he was thinking as he was going way too fast on that long sweeping curve I'll never figure out. I do know that he was very lucky. Alan said he thought he may have been drinking. The power was out for a few hours and the kids couldn't download their music and they were really sad=( We even had to go out to dinner as we couldn't cook and Alan didn't want to barbecue in the cold. We had to get up at five am and go the plane, and I didn't sleep very well so I was pretty tired when we got to Sharon's house. It was so beautiful there with decorations everywhere. We got a wonderful night's sleep and felt great the next day. The ocean is so restful, and I love it there. When we came home I was so glad to sleep in my own bed again. I truly love this little house as it is so very comfortable, warm, and Ed has changed all of the windows now, and next year we plan to insulate the floor more, as grandpa feels the floor is too cold. Today I signed up for a quilting class at the paramount sewing center. It will be a wall hanging and I will learn more about piecing quilts. I also will try to find a watercolor class to take for this year. Today I went to Tops and of course I had gained a few pounds, but I chose not to focus on it and be glad that I was still down a lot and my blood sugar is great. I gave a talk about keeping a food journal and I really plan to do one. I will be speaking for the rest of the month, and then I can relax for the year and someone else will have a turn. Next Wednesday I plan to talk about portion control and goals. The cat is a real character, he still trys to get into things, but he is growing and really cute. He climbs up on the edge of the toilets, trys to get into the clothes dryer, climbs to the top of the desk where my computer is and of course can't get back down so he meows until we come and rescue him. He gets sprayed with water if he gets on things he isn't supposed to, he climbs up on grandpa's lap and sits while we watch TV. He is so grandpa's cat and waits at the back door when he hears grandpa in the shop. If dad isn't available he follows me everywhere, and will often sleep in the utility, or the sewing room if I am sewing. He loves people and doesn't enjoy being alone. Kind of like us humans, sometimes we enjoy solitude but most of the time we enjoy being together. I am excited for the new year and the new course of study, the Book of Mormon and JS. at RS this year. We have a wonderful SS teacher and I love SS class. I love you all, May our Heavenly Father grant unto you all many blessings. Grandma


Danielle said...

Sounds like you had a GREAT holiday! What is TOPS? I didn't know you taught? You should explain that more clearly:) That is awesome you'll be taking these classes! You are an amazing woman Grandma:) I love you and thanks again for the cute cute apron and yummy smelling soap!!!


That was a wonderful update! Man, you have been traveling ALOT. You must be exhausted. Well that is cool that you are going to be taking the quilting class! That's exciting. And hopefully you will take a watercolor class. Fun. I think gaining a few pounds after Christmas is great, some people gain ALOT OF Weight after christmas, but if you just gained a litte, oh well, who cares. You'll get it off. I love the soap you gave me, I smell my hands everytime I wash them, it is such a yummy smell. well I love you, thanks for all your comments.

Lizzie said...

What a lucky Mom you are!! You got to spend Christmas with Alan, Eddie and Mom!!! Sounds overwhelming fun and tiring at the same time. I wish we could've seen you at Alan's! We barely missed you. I guess we'll see you next Thanksgiving though.

A couple of pounds is GREAT! Let's just say I gained more than "a couple" = ).

I'm glad you are going to take a quilting class. You are so talented Grandma. And Grandpa. Both of you are amazing. I'm so glad that you guys haven't gotten "old". You know, when people "mature" some people just get "old" and you and grandpa stay young, keep up on technology, still learn. I love it and I hope I am like that.

Love you both!!! I'm so glad you blog.

Rebecca said...

Sounds like you had a great Christmas, and oh my gosh, lots of traveling. If you only gained a few pounds, congrats! I am glad you can go to TOPS. I went back to WW. Ughhh! But I have to do something. I joined with my neighbor who is almost 70 and a hoot. She reminds me of you. She is in my bookclub. I'm excited for you to take a quilting class, and a watercolor class. You are staying anxiously engaged in a good cause. I love you. Keep blogging. I love your blogs.