I have been sore down deep in my left side deep in the groin area for a few weeks off and on. It got so bad on Sunday that I didn't go to church, and bless Ed because he made me call the doctor about the pain on Monday. My doctor wasn't in of course, they are never around when you need them, but I spoke with Dr. Bechemi's nurse and she called me back within the hour and said she wanted me to go to urgent care that evening, because she didn't have time, so I said why couldn't I just wait for my doctor on Tuesday, but NO she said it was important for me to be seen that day. So we went to urgent care and I got to see an internist there, and it was good that I did. I was about 36 hours from having a full blown infection in my colon, from one of the little pockets catching a seed and it had grown into an infection:-( bah and darn!!! If that had happened I would have been in the hospital for a week to ten days because these infections, can turn septic and make the body have a real problem. I would have been one miserable girl, so I am thankful for the husband that insisted that I go, and wouldn't let me put it off anymore. Sometimes I think he listens to the spirit better than I do. It was important for me to get on the medication so the doctor told me to get down to the pharmacy quickly as it was 9:45 by then and they close at 10:00, so we run down to Walgreen's on Coburg road and get two antibiotics and I came home and took some. Amazing stuff as I haven't been able to sit down except very carefully for a few days and today I feel almost like my old self. The hardest thing was drinking a liquid diet for 24 hour period, and now to stay on a bland diet for the next month or so. Which means, I can't have anything like salad, fresh veggies and fruit,no wheat bread etc. That part is a pain, but at least I feel so much better. I don't think I will be eating very many berries in the future, as I sure don't want this to happen again. This makes me sad, as that is one of my favorite things, along with tomatoes, and if I do eat these things I need to remove the seeds from tomatoes and puree the berries. Oh well things could be worse, as Fairy my sister in law can't taste anything anymore, I think that would be much worse. I was in town today to weigh in and so I took advantage to go to the Coldwater Creek store and buy a jacket and then I got a pair of jeans FREE and these are the best jeans, they are knit and cut perfect so they fit like a glove and are so comfortable. I have a pair of black ones I got on sale and now I have an indigo blue pair, I am so happy and they were free. Everyone loves the black ones on me, so now I have blue ones. Anyway by the time I got home today, I was exhausted and so I had to lay down and have a short nap ahhhh so great. The sun was out in full today and the day was warm and beautiful. I went outside and dug in my boxes planted some squash, tomatoes, cukes, peppers, flowers, and a few herbs. Ed said it looks like a garden out there. I really love planting and digging in the dirt, and I especially love the convenience of having them right outside my door. I am able to watch them grow, and water them so easily as Ed put a little irrigation system in each of them. Tomorrow it is supposed to get up to 70 degrees yay I could just dance and it isn't going to rain until Sunday and I pray that this forecast is correct. I am so tired of the rain this year, it seems like it has rained most all the days since spring began, even the Red Guard said yesterday on the front page that is isn't our imagination it really has been a WET spring this year. I love you all God Bless Hugs and Kisses
My Sister Sherry
12 years ago