Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Exciting News!!!

I thought I would tell all of you, that we are going to have a new great-granddaughter in April. Crystal found out today that it was a GIRL Judy is over the moon and I and Poppi were happy. Jess wanted a girl really bad, so everyone got their wish. Also I will tell all of you that grandpa's eye surgery was postponed today, because of the SNOW! It came in the middle of the morning around two or three, and it was really cold. They had a big pile up on the I-5 at Goshen and stopped both lanes of traffic, so we couldn't get in, nor could the doctor, so they cancelled all of the surgeries today:-( Dad was really upset, now we have to dilate that eye for another week and do all of the pre opp all over. It is a pain for him, and me also, and who knows when they will be able to do it on the schedule. Dad has the hip surgery on the 7th of December and Tuesdays are the day for eye surgery. I will keep you posted. Hope you all have a safe trip down and that your Thanksgiving is delicious and Happy. We should be able to go to Vancouver tomorrow, it will be cold, tonight is supposed to be a low of 17, brr! but no snow, the road will probably be slick in places but they will keep it well sanded so it should be safe. Love to you all and God Bless


Megan and Greg said...

Wow! Another girl! There's just tons of 'em in this family! I love it!!!

Lizzie said...

Congratulations on your new little great-grandaughter on her way. = ) I'm sorry about Grandpas surgery getting postponed. What a pain. We will pray that both of his surgeries go well. Love you both so much!

Sharon/Mom/ Grandma said...

Exciting!!! It was good to see you and dad! Love you!!


that is so exciting! haha- another girl- too funny.