Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Random Thoughts and The Things We Are Doing

Amy says I haven't blogged for awhile, I guess I need to more often. We are getting ready to plant a big garden here out by the pump house. Not grandpa and I but Abe and his roommate. They plowed up the space out there the other day and are coming back on Saturday to work on it some more. Nickell Abe's friend works at a seed warehouse and greenhouse nursery, in fact he is one of the managers, and really wants to do this. We shall see, I have a lot of raspberries I am getting from sister Perry that she has dug from her plants. We will plant them out there and they will be in full sun and grow well. They got a large load of sandy loam to plant in although the dirt is pretty good out there as grandpa with the help of some of the boys in the ward have gotten a lot of the rocks out of there over the years. It is hard for me to realize that we have lived here since 1993 and that makes it 17 years in November. It is funny sometimes I look at things I have done here and the time has gone so swiftly, the more mature you get the faster it flys. As granny Biggs used to say time waits on no man and it is so true. I can't belive grandpa and I will be married 57 years this December. Again time flys by and goes too fast. I have been busy lately doing a lot of work at the beauty shop and physical thearpy and regular massage. It is paying off as I have improved a lot as far as walking are concerned. Still walking outside with a cane, which I kinda like as it helps my knees a lot and supports me at curbs and steps. We are going to the pool at the club to walk in the water for me and for grandpa to swim and work his legs. We are going to go Monday, Wednesday and Friday. Unfortunatly I have lost a lot of the stamina that I had before the surgery. I guess wearing a cast and a walking boot for 4 months is hard on a person, so I am working on that a lot. It takes time and time gets lost for me, it seems I just get up and before I know what is happening I am going to bed again. No wonder I am a night owl I am conserving my time and the precious hours so I can do as much as I am able. I wish I could bottle up some of the energy that my great grandchildren have and I bet I could sell it on e-bay for a lot of money and become a millionare. But God knew what He was doing when he gave a lot of energy to the young they need it for all of the things they do and the places they need to explore. I heard through the grapevine the other day that they are throwing a big birthday party for Aunt Fairy it will be her 80th, again that old devil time and guess what she still has hair as red as when I met her. She says that as long as there is color in a bottle she will keep it red. I am glad my hair is gray and that I can get all of the help I can when I go to places as everyone is always so polite to me and opens door etc for me. I love it as those doors are sometimes heavy. I love, love the new Sunday School lessons and I hope you are all taking the time to read and study them as they are totally awesome. We have a wonderful teacher and that helps to inspire me. He is truly amazing and makes us all think. Something that isn't always easy for us more mature folkes, and we have a lot of ladies that are widows. Grandpa is really progressing on the piano and I find it hard to believe sometimes that he has come so far with it so fast. For those of you who are wondering I am still going to plant my garden up here at the house, I love being able to just go out and pick what I want right at my door so to speak. I truly love the blessing of having it so close. Well it is ten and so time for me to go to bed. I love and appreciate you all Grandma aka Nonnie PS Forgive the spelling here as the spell check has disappeared from Blogger why is that do you thing?



Hmmm... your spell check is gone? I wonder if it's because you're not signed in? Weird, I don't know. Great post Grandma. That is so exciting that you are going to grow a new garden. So are you paying them to do it? or are they going to grow some things out there too? Raspberries- I LOVE RASPBERRIES!!!!!!!!! I'm so glad you guys have that gym/pool to go to so you can work your muscles. Grandma, when I had chemo, and was so tired and low on energy- I thought "I don't want to get old" I REALLY feel for you, because it is so hard to not have the energy you wish you had so badly. I can't believe you guys will have lived in creswell for so long- and been married 57 yrs in december! That's awesome! I love you so much and am really excited to see you Monday!

Danielle said...

hahha. Okay- it made me laugh what you said about your Aunt Fairy who still has red hair- I think your gray hair looks beautiful! I like gray hair on people. That is way exciting about the garden and raspberries. yummmmmmm....Sorry you are so low on energy. I am way impressed on how much you are working on getting it back though! I love you and miss you!

Lizzie said...

Wow. It sounds like it's been an exhausting long road for you these last several months. I'm sorry you don't have much energy. I remember when I was huge and pregnant, every step hurt. Every breath took energy. It was so hard to sleep , but I was so tired!! I'm sorry you have to feel so horrible. Have fun planting your garden. I'm glad Abe and his friend are able to help you out so much. Love you!!!

Sharon/Mom/ Grandma said...

I am so happy and jealous that your garden is out your door. I loved your blog. I wish I could buy some of that energy! I know I am very healthy and strong, but I would still like some of that energy!! I'm glad you get therapy and massages. I can't believe it has been 17 years since you moved out there! Amazing. I'm glad you have the beauty shop, it keeps you out there and I am sure they love having you! You are so good with people. I love church too! I am in the Family History class right now, I miss the ss lessons! I love our RS lessons also. Maybe you just aren't seeing the spell check. Try left clicking on your mouse, it shows up there also. I love and miss you!!!

Megan and Greg said...

Oh man, I think sometimes I see people post and think, "Oh I'll read that tomorrow." And then time passes and I'll see it's a week old and I assume I've read it. I am LATE on this one, Grandma! I'm sorry! You've been busy! A big garden and RASPBERRIES!!! YUM!!! I wish I could start a garden this year, but that is just WAY TOO MUCH to plan this year. Next year for sure. I'm hoping to get some herbs going while Greg is in the academy. I think I can handle that. I'm glad you're being more active. That is always a hard things because it's all about making yourself do it. I was all excited to start working out at church with some ladies in the ward and I only went once! We'll see if I go tomorrow. I want to, but when the morning comes . . . I just stay in bed. I know, Grandpa's getting so good on the piano. He's better each time I see him. I love you both!!!

Megan and Greg said...

Oh yeah- your hair. You have beautiful color. Not all people with grey hair can say that. Yours really is pretty.

Rebecca said...

Wonderful post Grandma. Where to start? I guess I have to start with the piano statement. Yippee Grandpa for practicing and thank you so much for the simplified hymns. I'm trying to get some students for fall, and I look forward to trying them out. I love that you are in your 70s and practicing. People tell me all of the time, "I wish I had a talent like you." And I always say, "Well, you're not dead yet!" Then they always say back, "Well, I guess I haven't looked at it that way." Oh please. Then there's my grandpa...You don't care how old you are, and maybe you've never even thought about it. You know what you want, and you do it. Such a good example to me. I love you Grandpa. Grandma, you sound so busy!!!I'm glad the beauty shop is still working out for you, and I'm so glad you're getting massages and physical therapy and exercise. Women that refuse to take care of themselves drive me crazy. Not my Grandma. I love that you are getting what you need, and constantly fighting for your health, and not giving up. The gardening sounds wonderful. That's what I will miss this summer, more than anything else about my yellow house, is the garden. Oh well, I guess I'll be shopping at the farmer's market more this summer. I love you. Looking forward to seeing you.