Monday, February 1, 2010

About The Blog

I have a new blog, called Little Nellie, which are stories about me growing up. I have a lot more to publish, just need to find the time to post them. I have to admit that I had Amy's help on this, and I would never accomplished this without her . I hope you will check it out, I hope you like it. It has been fun doing it and I truly have enjoyed remembering all of these things that happened when I was young. I am so glad that some of you asked me to do it. My surgery is doing well and I am walking with a cane outside, but inside I seldom use it. I still have a small ulcer about the size of a match head , that needs to heal. It has been ever so slow, as there were some pieces of stitching left in. The walking is really getting much better and I walk a lot in the pool, and do a lot of stretching so it gets tiresome. I have had a rash around it and of course I scratch it and that is really a mess. I need to stop scratching it. We are having a lot of RAIN! right now, and it is the kind of cold that gets to your bones. I am praying for sun and trying to thank Heavenly Father for all of the rain, and please, please send us some SUN! I am still working down at the beauty shop but it is a lot less than I used to. There are a lot of things I want to do now, so I want to work less. I got rid of the nails, and am trying to grow mine. I got tired of the upkeep, and some of them were lifting. So one day I removed them. I hope all of you are keeping up with the resolutions that you made for this year and know that I love you one and all


Lizzie said...

Thanks for posting! I just grew out my nails too. It's a pain to upkeep nails either way = ). I am excited to check out your new blog. Love you lots !!!

Rebecca said...

I didn't have a freaking clue how miserable surgery is!!! Sigh. I'm so sorry for you and all of the problems you and grandpa have had lately. I think you have an incredible attitude. I love you both.

Megan and Greg said...

I LOVE your new blog. I don't know if I commented before, but I read some of it. I think I was waiting to comment until I had read it all. I'm SO GLAD you're doing it. It's so crazy because I've been meaning to ask you and Grandpa to do something similar for me. There's so much I don't know about you guys- so I was gonna email you both and ask you a question at a time (about your baptism, childhood, teenage memories, etc) and I wanted to compile them. But I never got to asking you and here you are doing it! It's so fun! Thank you so much! I love you! Feel better!!!! I can't believe your nails, ouch. It's hard to take nails off.