Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Too Long Since I Posted!

Well too much has been going on and I haven't felt like posting for so long. We have been trying to get our place fixed up so we can have dad's party on Saturday. I had my throat stretched on Friday, and I thought it would be a piece of cake, because the last time it was. But I really wasn't prepared for being SO tired. I think the anesthesia was hard this time and I just seem to continue to drag around. I had planned to go to Sharon's on Fri. after it was over, I couldn't have rode over to the coast if my life depended on it. I went to bed at 8:45 unheard of for me and awoke at 10:20 on Sat morning. Phew I couldn't believe it. I did the same thing on Sun and Mon, so things are kind of behind. I plan to get some things done tomorrow, and I am planning on not working on Friday. So I should be caught up by then. Dad is working outside, doing too much as usual. Somehow our big freezer didn't get closed all the way one day last week and became a big frosted mess, and yesterday I spent several hours defrosting it. It really had a lot of ice and I was really tired after that. I have my garden planted and it is great the beans are coming up already yea! I need a few more flowers. I will get them tomorrow sometime I think. I have to tell you of my adventure before we went to Lizzie's which was wonderful, we had a lot of fun and the kids are so cute and Liz and Shad were so good to us. We had fun seeing Disneyland for the first time in about 40 years. It was a blast especially Splash Mountain, which Tanner loves. Anyway back to what happened before we left, we had decided to defer our taxes and found out the mobile home was still in the guys name that sold it to us.
Some mix up a few years back when the DMV turned all of the titles to the
State, so I go to the courthouse to get the title changed into our name, which was easy as I had all of the right paper work thank goodness. Spent 2 hours in the courthouse as they are so slow, and came out and started to cross the street on the corner of Park there and this woman in a big SUV was on her cell phone and was just turning the corner driving and paying no attention where she was going!!! I could tell she didn't see me and froze where I was and the man behind her sat on his horn, and she finally stopped about 6 inches from my body, by this time I was screaming STOP and the woman sitting beside her was screaming at her and the man was honking, it was a circus. She rolled her window and apologised, the man honking rolled his window down and screamed at her to get her stupid ear out of the damn phone and pay attention, as she came close to hitting someone. Needless to say I got into my car and thanked Heavenly Father for the man honking his horn and for his watchful eye over me. I felt so blessed that I didn't get hit. Well happy summer to you all I am sure it is just around the corner. I love you all


Megan and Greg said...

Wow, Grams, glad you're safe. Good to hear from you!

Sharon/Mom/ Grandma said...

Yea!!! You posted!!!! I am so sorry it took longer to recover this time, I am glad you didn't try to come over, that would have been a disaster. I am excited to see your garden, I haven't planted beans yet, I am so far behind, I am jealous! I have lots of other things though and my tomato plants are above the top of the cage already, crazy! I'm excited to see you and dad this weekend! Love you!

Lizzie said...

I'm so glad you posted!!! I can't believe that incident with the SUV! I feel guilty, because that could be me with that cell phone. I feel like I am such an unsafe driver..between getting things for the kids and talking on the phone. I need to be safer.

I'm sorry this last throat stretching experience was so much harder to recover from. The actual procedure sounds awful, but it seems that the anesthesia was just as bad or worse!

We miss you guys so much. I can't tell you how grateful we are that you guys came out to visit. It really was so much fun.

Good luck with Grandpa's party!

Love you so much!!!


Glad you didnt' get hit! Oh my gosh- sorry I had to get off the phone in a hurry when you called- we were in the middle of a movie and MIke kept giving me the look. But I really wanted to talk to you because I haven't in such a long time. I will just have to catch up with you this Saturday. I love you-

Sharon/Mom/ Grandma said...

Like the new pics!!!