Saturday, November 1, 2008

The Story OF The Winter Easter Lily

Sometime around Easter Ed bought me a beautiful lily, it was covered in blooms and buds and really lifted my spirits. It bloomed for a month or more and like most house plants that I get I enjoyed it a lot. But it finished blooming and I watered it and one day I noticed that it was really wilted and I thought I think I'll throw it in the planter in front of the window in the planter box. I planted it there and chopped it off at the bottom of the stem. I haven't thought much about it for a long while, as I thought it was supposed to bloom in the spring. Now there are lots of plants out there Rosemary, Roses, Sage, and others so we water and feed those plants, and the lily has grown up over the height of the window and now it has 2 beautiful white blooms, and 4 buds, as if it doesn't know that it is Fall and almost winter. Since it is protected by the house the two freezes we have had haven't bothered it and it continues to look lovely. I can't believe it really, it has to be totally confused about when it is supposed to bloom, or maybe it thought I'll bloom now to give Janell a lift. It smells really wonderful too. I think it is wonderful how sometimes Heavenly Father creates something that does something unusual, and does something that it is totally out of character as is the case of the lily. I don't know why it chose to bloom at this time of year, but I will enjoy it's loveliness and be grateful for it blossoms. I have really enjoyed the fall this year, as it has really been beautiful, the trees have really had dresses of red and gold. The sun has been out most days, and it usually rains on Halloween, but this year it was pleasant. It wasn't cold as in past years, quite unusual also. I hope you all enjoyed the Autumn this year at your house. I have had my flu shot, and then one of my old crowns broke, I really shouldn't complain as it has lasted for thirty five years or more. Tom Elliott the first dentist I had here put it in and it was the first one I had. I hated losing it as it is so expensive to replace. I have to do it though, as it braces and supports my partial, and without that I wouldn't have any teeth to chew with. I tell you all don't get any older as it brings on all kinds of troubles, and pains. Not that I am complaining as I have it a lot better than most of the people with my problems. I can walk and do my own house cleaning and laundry, so I am thankful that I don't have false teeth like some of my friends do. I am grateful for all of you and your sweetness and love you all show for both grandpa and I, we love and appreciate you all. I especially appreciate my own children and their spouses ( I have had them the in-law children so long that they seem like my own) I am so blessed to have such caring and loving children. They have always been so good to me. I love them so much. It is a wonderful blessing to have been their mother. Well I need to go to bed so I can get up in the morning for church. Ed went to the Temple to do the spanish today, and he enjoyed being there, that is another thing I am grateful for. He rides with Brother Nebecker and his wife, and Pres. Jensen. He is fortunate to be able to go and not have to drive, as I don't think he would make it if he had to go by himself. It would be too hard and dangerous, as he would fall asleep. I went to Time Out For Women with Sharon, Judy, Debbie, and my friend Cathy. It was wonderful and I loved every minute of it. It was my birthday gift from Steve and Sharon. It was truly a special one and a lot about Joseph and the pioneers also on Friday night. Really wonderful! Catch all of you later.


Sharon/Mom/ Grandma said...

that was a neat story! I liked the analogy. I wish we lived closer to each other and I could see the lily!! Today at Lizzie's ward a lady said that one of the general authorities (she said his name, I can't remember it) said that we live where we do on purpose. I have always felt that way, but it was great to hear it. So having said that I know that I am where I am supposed to be and you are where you are supposed to be! I love you!!! I am glad your fall has been pretty. We have had a few gorgeous days and many foggy ones. Well it is late.

Megan and Greg said...

I love you Grandma. I finally read your baptism post. It was nice. I didn't remember you were the first to be baptised, and so young. I'm glad you did. It certainly effected my life for the good. I love you.

Megan and Greg said...

oh yeah, I love Lillies. They are my absolute favorite. They do smell SOOOOOO good. I am jealous of you. I wish I had lillies. But they make me sneeze so I have to avoid them.


I love you!

Lizzie said...

Well at least your crown lasted so long!! I had one put in 4 years ago and have nothing but trouble since then. I already need to have it replaced!! Can you believe I'm only 28 and I have 3 crowns already. Bummer.

It's so nice that the Lily bloomed for you. Heavenly Father was sending his love to you. = )

Are you heading to Mom's for Thanksgiving? We are having Clay and Danielle out which we are looking forward to.

We miss you two so much. I especially miss you this time of the year during the holidays. So many good memories. I love you!!!

Rebecca said...

Grandma, I miss you and love you so much. Thanks for blogging. I"ve been to one Time OUt and LOVED it. I'd love to go agian. Love you.