Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Getting Better And Not Sleeping! I am tired of not sleeping!!!! It seems that I go to bed and fidget and can't get comfortable. What a big pain that gets to be. I think I slept Sat. about 6 hours and about the same on Sunday and now it is about 2 in the morning and I can't go to sleep. I sometimes take calcium and once in awhile I take melatonin but lately nothing seems to work . I am SICK of it. I haven't blogged because it is hard or was hard for me to use the keys. I finally figured out that it was what was causing the pain in the surgery site. So I stopped doing very much at a time. Now I am doing a lot better, and I go to the nurse practitioner next week to find out just what I can do. I have been really limited as to what I can do with the left hand or it causes pain. Also they want the wires in the heart on the left and on the right to make a scar tissue grove so they will stay in place. Grandpa has really been great with helping me. I have a hard time putting away dishes and sweeping vacuuming mopping and a lot of things. He has done the vacuuming for awhile. I wouldn't get a lot done without him, I'm really grateful. At least I can sleep on my left side now. We saw a great movie, you should all check it out, called August Rush, wonderful music and a really good story. I loved it and so did grandpa. I have enjoyed looking at the blogs so much especially the pictures. I hope to get started on a bed cover made with some blocks that granny Grace gave me a couple of years ago. They will make a great bed cover, however I have to cut a lot and I don't think I can do that yet. Or sew probably:( Maybe after I see Donna on the 5th I will be able to do some. I really want to get started on it soon. Speaking of movies, we caught Penelope the other day and it was great I loved it also. It should be out on video soon I think. I will be soooooo glad to welcome summer, I am so tired of the Winter this year. I has been a real cold wet and snowy one this year, and in April it snowed and we had to cancel church as Cottage Grove where we go had 4 inches. Definitely want it to stop raining also. I want to plant some flowers and some lettuce and herbs and maybe a tomato or two, I'm looking forward to that. Well I think that's all of the news I have. Love you all Grandma


Sharon/Mom/ Grandma said...

I'm excited for you to be able to do something also. How annoying to not be able to do the simple things you enjoy. I have been knitting like crazy. I really like it. I'm glad you can sleep on your side now. Maybe as your body gets used to the whole thing you will be able to sleep better. I watched a great movie that dad would love, I think I will either bring it and loan it to you or send it. It's about a dog and a little boy. I'm sick of the weather too. we have had a little more sun than they predicted so that has been nice. I miss you! I need to get over to the valley, it just seems like I can't muster up the desire. I love you! tell dad I love him too!

Danielle said...

Oh man. That has got to be frustrating to be so limited! You seem to have a good attitude though. I'm glad Grandpa is helping. That is so neat you are going to make a blanket out of some squares Grandma Grace gave you. I'm sure that will be a fun one. I saw both of those movies you mentioned- both are good, I LOVED penelope. Well, I love you and hope you are continuing to get well again!

Rebecca said...

Snow in April in Oregon! Wow. We had a short blizzard this morning. May 1, and a blizzard. Your projects sound fun and I hope you get to start them soon. I'm glad your blogging again. I love you.

Megan and Greg said...

I still can't believe you had your chest open and came home 3 hours later! STRONG WOMAN!!! Absolutely amazing! I LOVE YOU!!!! You will make it thru and soon enough this will all be a past time.

Rebecca said...

Time to blog again! Love you.

Lizzie said...

It's so frustrating when you really are tired, but you can't fall asleep. I'll have to go see Penelope. Sounds good. I am excited for your garden. Garden fresh tomatoes with salt sound soooo good. I actually have a very clear memory of sitting with you when I was little at a softball game and you had garden tomatoes and a salt shaker with you. It was your snack. = )