I have a really sore shoulder and can't lift anything over 5 lbs. for a month, with my left hand. And lots of things, weigh more than that, my purse sometimes. I really have to rethink that. I am tired, but they say you will be for a week or so. I suppose I should expect to be as they were inside my heart arteries and shocked the heart 3 times.
Can't drive which is a bummer and no shower until Tuesday:( The doctor laughed and said that I'd just have to stay dirty. Doesn't know me very well, talking to Clorox Annie here. I have some of those cloths that you can heat in the microwave and sponge off. I got some nice food brought for dinner yesterday and today. I have some wonderful friends that are good cooks. I think I will have Ed get a chicken tomorrow and that will last a couple of days. I plan to ask Cindy who owns a beauty shop in Creswell if she will wash my hair for me, as I can't put my arm upon my head for awhile, until the surgery site is healed. She is our bishop's wife and a great gal, so she will if she has time. But all things considered I am doing well and I pray that every thing heals and that I get over the tape rash. I have a rash everywhere they put one of the sticky leads and where they used tape plus the shock site. I'm sure it will go away in a few days, it just itches a lot! I am really grateful though with all of my complaining for the wonderful science that we have today and that they are able to do something for heart failure as it has come a long ways in the past 10 years. What a blessing to have such great surgeons and doctors to help people like me. Tagged! How did you meet your spouse? Good question Ed was stationed at San Marcos AFB and the closest church was at Austin TX and so he came to church and I saw him there for the first time and he didn't really see me as he was so busy flirting with all of the other girls there. It was Christmas and he had just finished basic training and so he had leave and went home, and we didn't see him again until Jan. I made sure that he noticed me, that time as I was afraid that he wasn't going to come back and was just visiting. Turns out that he was engaged and while he was home he and she decided to call it off. So the field was clear and I moved in. Where did you go on your first date? I was really too young to date and Ed came to visit me at my house on Sunday after church and my folks really liked him . He was only 19 and had no one except the church family and his parents had just gotten a divorce and his only brother had just gotten married. So I think they felt kind of sorry for him. In those days we had Gold and Green Balls at church and we were planning one in March. We were working on my dad to let me go with Ed. We saw each other at Mutual and church. And of course He came to my house after church each Sunday . Dad finally agreed to let me go with Ed to the ball if we went with the branch president of the church and his wife. Who eats more? That's a toss up I eat more treats than he does, however that has to change, and has really since the middle of Jan. and so now he eats a lot more sweets than me. Who is taller? Ed is. How long have you been together. We will be married 56 years in December. Wow I can't believe it. Who sings better? Ed can read music and used to have a beautiful voice but somehow he lost it when he started to have heart issues. I sing fairly well at least for the grands and great grands. who seem to like my songs. Who said I love you first? Ed did. And immediately asked if I loved him and I said I did. Who is smarter? Well it depends on what is being discussed. Ed knows a lot about the Gospel and is way better at studying than me, however I have a great memory and so things stick with me. Ed is really great with anything that has to do with teaching and anything mechanical, I am not there and could never pass the tests that he has for all of the licenses he has. He can't spell and he really doesn't do grammar very well. Computer him. Reading me. Who does the laundry? Me Me Me I would never trust him with clothes everything would be gray!!!! Who does the dishes? We both do I usually load the dishwasher and he unloads it . He will load it in a pinch but he doesn't like to. Who sleeps on the right side of the bed? Ed does. Who pays the bills? It is a joint effort, Ed pays all of the business bills and some of the house ones and I do it sometimes and usually take care of the medical and household bills. Who mows the lawn? Ed does, we have a lot to mow!!! He got a new riding lawn mower this year and he really deserves it. Who cooks dinner? Me! Who drives when you are together? We both drive, if it is night and raining Ed does unless he is to sleepy to drive. I have a hard time seeing when it is rainy and dark. Who is more stubborn? Probably me. Who kissed first? Ed kissed me. Who proposed? That's a funny story, as Ed was being shipped to Korea so we thought. Turns out as he was the morning report clerk like Radar in Mash and was really close to the Commander of the base who told him to volunteer for the shipment to Alaska, which wasn't for a few months, so Ed had to go to Victoria AFB TX. which was a few miles southeast of Austin and we didn't like the idea of being separated so we decided to get married. We skipped mutual on Tuesday night and got married by the justice of the peace in Austin. We told no one except our friends the Rasmussens and Ed went back to the base and I went home. We told my folks about 5 days later, as my dad decided that we couldn't see each other so much. Too Late!!! Who is more sensitive? Ed is very emotional. I cry at sad and happy movies though and get my feelings hurt also. Who has more friends? I do Ed has a lot of people that love him but he doesn't hang out with them. Who has more siblings? Me I have 6. Ed has only one brother now deceased and three half's and several steps. Who wears the pants? We both wear them it depends on what the issue is.