Well I have learned a lot in the past few weeks. I saw Donna the nurse practitioner that knows all about this device that I have in my chest. It was informative and interesting to say the least. They have a little machine that they put over it and it reads everything that has happened to my heart since I have had it. Truly amazing!!! It shows when the heart has went into bad rhythm and corrected it. All and all I think it is something that is really great for people like me. I am walking a little each day as much as my legs will allow me and I rarely get out of breath, but I don't push myself, so that I become overtired. All of the info goes to a computer and it tells them what they want to know about my heart. I truly feel much better, and people say I sound and look better, not so tired. I went outside today and planted some flowers and Grandpa plans to put me a bed on the edge of the patio and I will be able to put in a few veggies and lettuces and flowers. It should be easy to work in and will be 12 ft long and 1and 1/2 feet wide. I will be able to reach across it well. I think I will make some jam tomorrow with some berries that we have in the freezer. We are out pretty much and I didn't feel like making it in the summer last year. It is supposed to get warm tomorrow, I pray it does as I have been cold all spring. A wet and cold spring this year. Had a wonderful Mom's day, at Ed's and Judy's, the kids and Ed cooked on Sunday and we had a great dinner. On Saturday us girls went to lunch and shopping for awhile and it was fun. First time in a long time I looked in stores and really enjoyed it. Yea!! Fairy's birthday fell on mother's day this year and so it was fun to take her to lunch and embarrass her at Red Robin. Sat. night we went with Nicole and Crystal to a karaoke place and they sang their hearts out, all went and even Ed Jr sang a couple of songs. It was fun. I haven't heard the kids sing in a long time. I think I can start to sew a little now, I hope I can hold the ruler so I can cut the squares now. I am looking forward to work on the quilting again. Our High Priests have an outing planned, remember most of them are OLD for this summer. This is our new Group Leader and he planned it. He wants to take a bike ride up to a park 5 miles outside of Cottage Grove, and bring your own lunch!!!! Everyone is planning to do an outing so we can invite non members to learn about the church. I can't believe it, but he decided this all on his own without asking his other group leaders, which grandpa is one, about it. I and about two thirds of the ward don't plan to go. I haven't been on a bike in years, and to ride it for 5 miles on a highway is really silly. Most everyone I know doesn't plan to go. Oh well it takes all kinds to make the world go around. If you want to you can take your car up, you can, but who wants to go to a park without any tables and dusty gravel walks and no water. I shouldn't complain I suppose, I just can't believe it, nor do I think non members will like it. I suppose it is getting late and I have to do the dinner dishes still so I better get at it. I love you all and pray for you the best of everything. Love Grandma